Private lessons
With the aid of youtube you could possibly learn all the forms of wing chun in a matter of weeks and within a few months learn the applications of all of its movements. However all of this would be of little value without an internal understanding of how you body can deal with force. Quite simply your wing chun would be no better than a dance.
Private lessons allow an individual to learn the underlying foundation of wing chun by gaining detailed one to one hands on instruction. Chu Shong Tin lineage wing chun in particular teaches you how to set up your body to accept, repel and produce force with little effort. I have yet to experience this ability in any other lineage of wing chun. Once these key skill are hardwired into the body the movement and applications are much more simple to understand and use. For this reason over the last 12 months we have given private instruction to 6 different wing chun teachers who have travelled to us to improve their abilities.
If you think you would benefit from private tuition, please speak to Dan or Mark in class or contact us using the details below. We are able to offer extended training packages to travelling and overseas visitors who are truly interested in learning our art. To find out more see the attached link below of the experiences of one of our students from Holland, or this link of a teacher from Suffolk.
Email: [email protected]
Tel, Dan: 07756504772
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